SCUBA Training - Open Water Diver | SCUBA Tribe DIVE CENTER - 1

    Open Water Diver

    2,060.00 lei

    If you want to dive anywhere you want, with anyone you want, join the Open Water Diver program. This is your international certification to become part of an exclusive group of underwater explorers that most people only dream about joining! Learning to dive is much easier than you think.

    Join the SSI Open Water Diver program now!


    This globally recognized certification program is the best way to begin your lifelong adventures as a certified scuba diver. Personalized training is combined with in-water practice sessions to ensure you have the skills and experience required to become truly comfortable underwater.

    You will earn the SSI Open Water Diver certification.

    After completing this program you'll get for FREE:
    The official certification card,
    The official program diploma with security elements,
    The Scuba Tribe Team shirt,
    The Scuba Tribe Team basecap.

    Digital Learning & Academics

    SSI has mastered the use of digital technology to make your learning experience easy.
    You can start by studying the academics anytime, anywhere at your own convenience and your selected Training Center will schedule your review and in-water training sessions.

    In-Water Training

    During the pool/confined water training, your SSI Instructor will teach you all the necessary skills in a controlled environment until you are comfortable and ready to go to the open water. During the open water training dives, you will apply your knowledge and repeat the skills in a real-world environment under the supervision of your Instructor.


    Once you have completed all required training sessions, final exam and open water training dives, your SSI Training Center will issue your digital certification card which will show up instantly on your MySSI App.
    We congratulate you on your accomplishment and welcome you to SSI’s global diving community.

    Facts and Standards

    1 years
    minimum age
    2 m
    maximum depth
    academic sessions
    confined water sessions
    open water sessions

    A dive is normally calculated at 15 minutes, during which time all the necessary information can be assimilated. In most cases the physical condition and the availability of the student are evaluated and the dives can be cumulated in sessions of up to 45 minutes.


    SSI require students to complete a water fitness evaluation prior to open water training. The goal of this evaluation is to determine a comfort level baseline consisting of:

    Swim Assessment
    Survival Float

    More Information

    Technical Requirements

    To start training, students must create a MySSI profile. This can either be done via the SSI website at or by installing the MySSI App.
    Simply download the app for either iOS or Android, set up the user profile, and access the world of diving in minutes! The MySSI App safely stores everything in one place, online or offline – training materials, logbook, and certification cards.

    Training Center

    Every student must select an SSI Training Center as their “Training Partner” during the course registration process. Affiliation ensures personalized service and a high-quality training experience.
    Students can also change affiliation or choose to affiliate with multiple Training Centers in their user profile. When affiliating with a Training Center online or via the MySSI App, a Privacy Policy Agreement will be processed to comply with GDPR regulations.

    Medical & Administrative

    Each student or candidate must complete the required SSI Training Record Forms prior to participating in any SSI training program. The forms for minors must be reviewed and signed by a parent or guardian.

    Responsible Diver Code
    Diver Medical Statement
    Program-specific Completion Record

    3 Reviews

    Eu si sotul meu am obtinut certificatele SSI Open Water Diver in Jupiter la Scuba Tribe Dive Center, in timpul cursului ne-am bucurat de fiecare minut.
    Instructorul nostru Cosmin a fost foarte rabdator si a facut tot posibilul sa ne invete notiunile de baza ale scufundarilor. A avut mare grija de noi atat pe mal, cat si sub apa.
    Toata echipa de scafandri este foarte prietenoasa si de ajutor. Daca doresti sa urmezi un curs de scufundari, aici este locul potrivit.
    By Maria Fon 07/20/2022

    Foarte multumita
    O echipa de profesionisti! Recomand cu incredere
    By Ionelaon 07/09/2022

    Am facut cursul SSI OWD in iunie si a fost grozav. Oamenii sunt foarte draguti si it explica totul in detaliu. Daca veti sa obtineti o certificare, va recomand cu adevarat acest centru de scufundari.
    By Laurentiuon 06/29/2022

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