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6 Reviews
Discover the underwater world, go scuba diving in confined water and earn the SSI Try Scuba recognition card. Conducted in shallow water, the SSI Try Scuba program is a diving adventure the whole family can enjoy.Start today!
230.00 lei

Scuba Skills Update

Not dived for a while? Need to practice before your open water training dives? Boost your dive confidence and practice your skills with an SSI Scuba Skills Update. This scuba refresher course is a safe and fun way to practice dive skills with an SSI professional and is often required to continue your diving training after time away from the sport.Start...
315.00 lei

Dive Guide

Do you dream of leading certified divers underwater? Do you want to improve your dive skills and take the first step towards becoming a scuba instructor? Become an SSI Dive Guide!Take the first exciting step towards earning your Divemaster rating now.
2,539.00 lei
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