Looking for scuba diver

Open Water Diver

3 Reviews
If you want to dive anywhere you want, with anyone you want, join the Open Water Diver program. This is your international certification to become part of an exclusive group of underwater explorers that most people only dream about joining! Learning to dive is much easier than you think.Join the SSI Open Water Diver program now!
2,060.00 lei

Open Water Diver and EAN

3 Reviews
If you want to dive anywhere you want, with anyone you want, join the Open Water Diver program. This is your international certification to become part of an exclusive group of underwater explorers that most people only dream about joining! Learning to dive is much easier than you think.Do you want to extend your dive time and explore the dive sites you...
2,400.00 lei

Advanced Open Water Diver

Advanced Open Water Diver is an SSI automatic recognition for completing a set of four specialty courses and minimum 24 logged dives. To offer a proper diving knowledge, we included in this bundle all the necessary specialties for an advanced open water diver.
3,237.00 lei
Showing 1-3 of 3 item(s)

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